How as a designer I can think about tomorrow’s Farming in urban areas? The city does not exist without Farming! The first cities built themselves thanks to the discovery of this one, allowing the man to pass of a nomadic life in a sedentary life. Their functioning is thus connected, and throughout the history, the agriculture and the city evolved. The evolution of the one depends on the other one. It is necessary to include the rhythms of life in each of these circles. Farming respects a natural rhythm in opposition to the city artificial rhythm. This artificial rhythm allows the evolution, the organization of cities but it is not without consequence for the health of the City-dwellers. The notions of speed are integral parts of this rhythm, and it does not stop increasing, favored by the new means of communication and the internet. It is thus important to think of a transition to introduce farming in town, to be able to join the agriculture farming into urban areas. Begin to think of medium and long-term solutions are a necessity into a global socioeconomic and ecological way, in which the design has its entire place.